Introduction: Sapphire Haze Crochet Round Doily

About: Hello all!!!! A warm Welcome and It's a pleasure to have you here. Art and Craft is my passion .I love experimenting new and creative ideas.

Crocheted doilies are always very popular choice for decorating. Crochet doily patterns are great for decorating any corner of your home. Doilies are the most versatile projects you can make. You can use them as Tablemats...Placemats....Table runners....wall hanging art or use a larger size Hook and Yarn and make them into Crochet rugs. They are a lovely way to add a personal touch to your home.

Add a touch and elegance, style and charming ambiance to your home decor with this pretty Sapphire Haze Crochet Round Doily. The pattern is very simple and can be made in any size of your choice. The stitches used are very basic hence it would also be a great beginner friendly project. They would also make awesome gifts for your loved ones.

I have used a shade of sapphire blue, hence the name Sapphire Haze. You can use any color of your choice or use any bright vibrant colors or any light pastel colors or you can crochet one according to the holiday theme.

Size:-16 Inches - can be customized to any size



4 Ply Cotton Knitting Yarn

4 mm Crochet Hook

Step 1:

Here is the Video Tutorial:-

Step 2:

Round 1 :-

Chain 4 - the starting chain 3 will be counted as 1 Double Crochet and the remaining stitch will be counted as Chain 1.

1 Double Crochet. Chain 1

Repeat(1DC, Chain 1) untill you have total 12 DC and 12 Chain 1 Space.

Slip stitch into the 3rd Chain.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

Step 3:

Round 2 :-

Slip Stitch into the Chain Space.

Chain 2.

2 Double Crochets.

Repeat(2 DC) in each of the Chain spaces.

Step 4:

Round 3 :-

Chain 2.

1 Double Crochet in the same stitch.

2 Double Crochets in the next stitch.

Repeat(1DC, 2DC)

Slip Stitch on top of the first Double Crochet.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

Step 5:

Round 4:-

Chain 2.

1 Double Crochet each in 2 Stitches.

2 Double Crochets in the next stitch.

Repeat(1DC*2, 2DC)

Slip Stitch on top of the first Double Crochet.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

Step 6:

Round 5 :-

Chain 4 - the starting chain 3 will be counted as 1 Double Crochet and the remaining stitches will be counted as Chain 2.

Skip 1 Stitch.

1 Double Crochet in the next stitch.

Repeat(1DC,Skip 1, Chain 1).

Slip stitch into the 3rd Chain.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

Step 7:

Round 6 :-

Slip Stitch into the Chain space and Chain 2

1 Puff Stitch.

Chain 2.

Repeat(1 Puff Stitch (in the Chain space), Chain 2)

Slip Stitch on top of the first Puff Stitch.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

To make a Puff Stitch:-

  1. First pull up the yarn on the hook to a height of a double crochet.
  2. Yarn Over, insert hook in the same stitch and pull up a loop. Do not complete the stitch(3 loops on the hook)
  3. Again, Yarn Over, insert hook in the same stitch and pull up a loop.(5 Loops on the hook).
  4. Lastly, Yarn Over, insert hook in the same stitch and pull up a loop.(7 loops on the hook).
  5. To finish the Puff stitch, Yarn Over and Pull through all 7 loops.
  6. Chain 1.

Step 8:

Round 7 :-

Chain 2.

1 Front Post Double Crochet on the Puff Stitch.

3 Double Crochets in the Chain Space.

Repeat(1FPDC, 3DC)

Slip Stitch on top of the first Front Post Double Crochet.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

Step 9:

Round 8 :-

Chain 2.

1 Double Crochet each in 7 Stitches.

2 Double Crochets in the next stitch.

Repeat(1 DC*7, 2DC).

Slip Stitch on top of the first Double Crochet.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

Step 10:

Round 9 :-

Chain 2.

1 Double Crochet Cluster.

Skip 1 Stitch. Chain 1

Repeat(1 DC Cluster, Skip 1, Chain 1)

Slip Stitch on top of the first Cluster Stitch.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

To Make a Double Crochet Cluster Stitch:-

  1. Yarn over, insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook.(This is same as doing a Double Crochet Stitch. It is just that , you don't finish the Double Crochet Stitch and continue doing the first part of the Double Crochet Stitch again and again).You should have 2 loops on the hook.
  2. Yarn over, insert the hook in the same stitch, yarn over and pull through 2 loops. You should have 3 loops on the hook.
  3. Continue with the first part of Double Crochet stitch untill you have 4 loops on the hook.
  4. Yarn over and draw the yarn through all 4 loops on the hook.
  5. Chain 1.

Step 11:

Round 10 :-

Chain 2.

1 Front Post Double Crochet on the Cluster.

2 Double Crochets in the Chain space.

Repeat(1FPDC, 2DC)

Slip Stitch on top of the first Front Post Double Crochet.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

Step 12:

Round 11 :-

Chain 5.

Skip 2

1 Single Crochet in the next stitch

Repeat(Chain 5,Skip 2, 1SC)

Once you reach the end, Chain 2 and 1 Double Crochet into the first Chain Space.

This is the connecting stitch.

Step 13:

Round 12 :-

Repeat Round 11.

Once you reach the end, Chain 2 and 1 Double Crochet on the Double Crochet from the previous round.

Step 14:

Round 13:-

Repeat Round 11.

To end Round 13, Chain 5 and slip stitch on top of the Double Crochet from the previous round.

Change color while making the Slip Stitch.

If you wish to make your doily bigger, then keep repeating Round 11 untill the size required.

Step 15:

Round 14 :-

Slip Stitch into the Chain Space and Chain 2.

7 Double Crochets in the same chain space.

1 Single Crochet into the next Chain Space.

Repeat(7DC, 1SC)

Slip stitch on top of the first Double Crochet.

Step 16:


Chain 1.Change color while making the Chain 1.

1 Front Post Single Crochet each in 4 Stitches.

Chain 3 Picot(i.e. Chain 3 and slip stitch into the bottom stitch.) in the same stitch.

1 Front Post Single Crochet each in the remaining 3 Stitches.

1 Slip Stitch into the next chain space.(yarn over the whole stitch)

Repeat((1FPSC*4),Chain 3 Picot(in the same stitch), 1FPSC*3, SL into the next Chain space)

Slip stitch on top of the first Front Post Single Crochet and weave off.