Introduction: 3D Printed Steel Name Keys

About: I like to make things for the internets. I also sell a pretty cool calendar at You'll like it.
These are two name keys that I designed in Rhino and 3D printed in stainless steel through Ponoko. The names are of my first son and my wife. I wanted something custom that would last a while and the stainless steel was a perfect fit.

The design in Rhino was very straightforward. For the bodies of the keys I just used cylinders, tori, and a flattened sphere. For the names, I created the outlines in Illustrator and extruded them in Rhino. Put them all together, export an STL, upload it to Ponoko, and you're off to the races.

Well, a slow race, that is. It takes a bit of time for them to get printed, but it's worth it.
Make It Real Challenge

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