Introduction: 5 Great DIY Decorations to Liven Up Your Home

About: Ivan Dimitrijevic is a seasoned blogger and SEO consultant with years of experience. His skill sets include Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and blogging on a wide variety of topics. He is a …

If you want to truly feel at home, you need to add a personal touch when you decorate it. DIY home decorations are a great way to make significant changes to your home, and make it unique. Sure, you can find awesome handmade stuff on Etsy, but it still won’t feel as unique as something you crafted yourself. Making your own ornaments is a great hobby, and you do not even need to be an expert craftsman to pull it off. So, here are five ideas you can try to bring to life, and add some flare to your house or apartment.

Step 1: Bottle Crafts

There are a lot of things you can create, if glass bottle crafts are something you are skilled with. You can cut them in half, vertically or horizontally, and make great flower pots. You can also cut a small circular opening in the middle, put a candle inside, and have your very own DIY glass lantern.

You can use a great amount of heat in order to flatten down the bottle, so that you can use it as a plate to serve snacks. Again, glass bottle crafts are not that hard to master, all you need is a bit of practice, and you’ll be making your own decorations sooner than you think.

Step 2: Shadowbox Wall Vase

This is a really easy one to pull off. You need a wooden frame spacious enough to fit a vase inside, some white cardboard and, of course, your favourite flowers. In case you need thorough instructions on how to build it, you can check out this article. Basically you cut out a small square through the cardboard (big enough so that a vessel can fit through it) and you stick it onto your wooden frame.

Next, just insert a small vase into the frame, it should not be visible behind the cardboard, and put your flowers in it, so that they stick out through the opening. The next thing you need to do is hang the frame on a wall that gets enough sunlight and that’s about it.

Step 3: Twig Forest Decoration

It’s time to put those slender and dried twigs to a good use, and by good use I mean you should totally make a twig forest decoration. First thing you need to do is select your base, or choose a material for your base. You can go with wood, plywood a slate or even a floor tile. Use an electric drill, to make a small diameter hole in the base, so that the twigs can barely fit through it.

To be sure that the twigs won’t fall off, you can glue them to the base. Important thing to note here is that your whole formation should resemble a circle, in other words, leave enough space in the middle of the base. Place a candle, or several small candles in the middle, and your twig forest is finished.

Step 4: Souvenir Jars

When was the last time you picked up your photo album? You know, the one with photos that are not in digital form. Well, you can finally use some of those photos, the ones you took during a winter or summer holiday preferably. Take a big glass jar, and fill its bottom with rice, so that it can resemble snow or sand, whichever you prefer. You can use a miniature snowboard, seashells or a small umbrella from a cocktail, again to correspond with the time of the year in the picture, and place those in the jar, after you have added rice. Finally, put one of your pictures inside it and put a postcard behind it.

Step 5: Suitcase Bar

We all have a small table we can no longer use, so we either throw it away or keep it in the basement for ages. The same goes for a suitcase – sooner or later they will outlive its usefulness. You can take the small table and glue the suitcase on top of it. Open the suitcase and fill it with bottles of your favorite drinks, vodka, whiskey, gin etc.

This is just the start, and you can come up with a number of other creative ideas once you get started. Just let your imagination fly and have some patience, you’ll become a DIY master with time.