Introduction: Why Spring Is the Perfect Time for Mold Prevention

About: Ivan Dimitrijevic is a seasoned blogger and SEO consultant with years of experience. His skill sets include Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and blogging on a wide variety of topics. He is a …

Spring is here, and it goes without saying that we’re all super excited to say goodbye to the snow, negative thirty-something temperatures, bulky winter clothing and practically everything else associated with winter.

Unfortunately, spring also means tackling some not-so-exciting tasks like spring cleaning, household repairs and yard work. However annoying, time-consuming or boring these jobs may be, they help keep our homes fresh, clean and comfortable. (This is especially true when it comes keeping your home free of mold.)

So in our excitement to get BBQ season, picnics and the approaching summer under way, let’s not forget these ever-important household tasks.

Why do mold checks in spring?

According to the certified inspectors at Mold Busters, one of the most important parts of your spring cleaning routine should be to check your home, from top to bottom, for moisture intrusion and water damage, which often lead to black mold.

Spring usually yields lots and lots of water—whether it’s from all those April showers or from the last remnants of winter snow that are slowly melting away.

All of this water has to go somewhere, and unfortunately, it usually goes into our homes. That’s why basement flooding is so common during this time of year.

But by thoroughly checking our homes in the spring, we can identify sources of excess moisture early on and avoid costly structural damage and mold problems down the line.

How does water get into my home?

Water can leak into your home in a variety of ways. Here are just a few:

- cracks in your foundation

- poorly sealed windows

- damaged roofs

- flooded basements

- poorly insulated walls

Make sure to check the above-mentioned areas vigilantly for signs of moisture infiltration because, once inside, water can wreak havoc on your walls and structural components. And don’t skip your attic just because it’s hard to access - this is one of the most vulnerable spots for moisture problems.

Once again, by inspecting your home thoroughly now, you can prevent major problems like black mold, which, as we all know, is highly toxic and can significantly impair our ability to lead a normal, healthy and happy life.

How to spot moisture problems

Moisture problems are not always obvious or easy to see, but they do show up, in one way or another. If you’re paying attention, you may be able to catch problems before it’s too late.

Here are the most common signs of a moisture problem:

- Bubbling or crackling paint

- Bubbling wallpaper

- Wall discoloration or stains on walls

- Musty or earthy odors

- Condensation on walls or windows

- Mold growth

If you notice any of these signs in your home, it’s important to tend to them right away if you want to prevent black mold problems.

Find the source of the moisture and fix it. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, the choice is yours as long as you repair the issue. Keep in mind, however, that for bigger or more serious problems such as floods, it’s always better to contact an expert.

Flood restoration technicians are certified and have years of experience repairing water damage and restoring property to its original, pre-loss condition. They even provide valuable mold prevention tips and tricks to keep you protected against future contamination.

The bottom line

The truth is that moisture checks and mold prevention will likely never be at the top of our to-do list. Nevertheless, spring is the perfect time to check your home for moisture infiltration and implement mold prevention strategies that will protect you year-round from black mold problems.

So don’t put it off any longer—make room in your schedule this weekend for some serious spring cleaning!