Introduction: 5-Minute Breakfast Rice

About: Ham Radio, Gardening, InfoSec, Bicycles as transportation -- Currently: Product Security @ Slack

You woke up late! You ran out of cereal! Pancakes will take to long! Must eat breakfast!


This is my favorite "I have no good breakfast foods" dish when i have left over rice (Which is always). It's so quick and easy to make and very delicious!

Step 1: Ingredients

The ingredient list is very flexible but here is what i used:

1 cup of cooked brown rice
1/2 cup of water or soy milk (or milk)
1 tbs of butter or margarine
1-2 tbs of powered sweetener.

Step 2: Heat the Rice

First in a saucepan you want to heat the rice up with margarine and soy milk (or water), until it's hot and most of the liquid boils off.

Step 3: Add Sweetener

Next you want to add your sweetener and stir it up. I used brown sugar. Once the sugar is integrated, turn off the heat and serve!

Step 4: Serve and Eat

Next step is to throw it in a bowl and eat it! Then rush out the door because your bart train leaves in 5 minutes!

Variations on this could include dried fruit, fresh fruit or different kinds of grains.

Please show off your quick breakfasts!