Introduction: Arabian Wall Sword

About: I'm a mom of 4 and I love to craft! Anything and Everything interests me and i love to create in the process of learning.

My cousin had moved to a new house and I wanted to make her a housewarming gift....I new she would like something for the wall...something antique looking.

Well...I thought about it and decided to make her a wooden sword :-)

Step 1: Make the Cut

Draw your desired shape on wood and cut it.

Then sand it.

I was in a hurry and stained the wood…it would be easier if you had patience and waited till you did all the needful decorations and then stained…wastes less time :-)  if you are going to try it…do it that way!

Step 2: Blade Gard and Embellishments

Use hot glue at the top of the blade and tip to decorate a pattern.

For the blade guard…I built it up by first placing scrap wood and then shaping it up with kitchen foil(for texture) and wall filler and glue mixture.

Paint the blade guard black and NOW stain the blade :-)

Spray gold on the blade guard and quickly rub off with a rag. paint the hot glue emboss with a thin paint brush in gold.

Step 3: Handle

I cut a strip of synthetic leather and sewed a hem in one end. Then wrapped it around the handle...while stapling it with each wrap.


Now my cousin always loved the saying 'This is from the best of my lord' . I felt the blade was kind of missing I drew the Arabic inscription in metallic sticker....cut it and glued it on...I gave it a final coat of varnish.

Now I felt it looked like an ancient  Arabian Sword! Don't you think so??

I really liked it :-) perhaps I'll make one for me too :-)

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