Introduction: Cadbury Creme Egg Milkshake

About: Always making something....

This ultra simple recipe was the result of a table full of clearanced easter candy and a love of ice cream.  I'm sure it would work with any of the eggs the bunny left you, but in my opinion the fondant center gives ordinary ice cream the flavor of a super indulgent ice cream parlor kind of treat.

Step 1: Ingredients

These couldn't be simpler.

Cadbury Creme Eggs (or the non-chicken eggs of your choice)
Vanilla Ice Cream

You will also need a blender or food processor and something to serve it in.

Step 2: Process

We concluded that one egg is close enough to the same size as an ice cream scoop that we could use a scoop as one unit.  After some experimentation we decided the ultimate ratio is one egg to 4 parts ice cream.  One egg will make a pleasantly sized small milkshake, twice that is similar to the experience of going to Dairy Queen for blizzard.

Blend the egg(s) and ice cream together, adding a bit of milk to adjust the texture to be exactly what you want.  I probably used a couple tablespoons - technically a splash - of milk per egg.

Step 3: Serve

Pour it into a glass or bowl and enjoy it immediately.  Easter bunnies wait for no one and neither does ice cream.

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