Introduction: Creating a Custom Hive Set

About: I used to be a developer for Instructables. I probably made something around here.

Hive is a tabletop game I've been trying to get more people in the office to play.

There was some scrap acrylic in a bucket at the office. Some of it was pretty cool fluorescent green. I grabbed the acrylic and then Randy showed me how to SHOOT IT WITH A LASER.

It is not healthy to breathe the smell of burning acrylic. I stood anyway and watched every line of these designs burn.

You can learn how to make neat designs like these using my previous Instructable, Creating Vector Art for Tattoos or Iconography

Step 1: The Vector Files

Included here in vector format are the pieces I created.

There's an Adobe Illustrator file and an EPS, both suitable for laser cutting.

The next step shows the result of cutting each piece out of the fluorescent acrylic.

Step 2: The Pieces

This is what the pieces look like when they're cut and etched in fluorescent green acrylic.