Introduction: DQ Peanut Buster Parfait- Life Hack

About: I enjoy making things. My making them is usually based on necessity, the fact that it doesn't exist, and/or buying it pre-done would be way more expensive. I like all kinds of projects and find this site a ver…

I find myself getting these all the time for family, so i figured its time to share the knowledge. The DQ is way farther than the McDonald's in my neck of the woods. I learned half of the hack from a former boss and the other by chance. I hope you enjoy!!

Step 1: Materials

A bag of Beer Nuts. (Dollar Tree has them for a buck)
A hot fudge sundae with extra fudge from Mc Donald's.
(You could also get it at other fast food chains, but i'm not sure how they do the extra fudge)

My boss would always order hot fudge sundaes with extra fudge from McDonald's, they put the extra fudge at the bottom of the sundae.

Step 2: Assembly

Pour the nuts on top as desired. One bag will do about 4-5 sundaes. You can also keep a bag of Beer Nuts in your car glove box for any drive thru times. 

This has the same taste as the DQ Peanut Buster Parfait and is also very cost effective in comparison. A DQ Peanut Buster Parfait is about 5 dollars, where the sundae is 1.50.  Enjoy!!