Introduction: Discount Easy Halloween Bouquet

About: I body paint

The best time to buy decorations is when they go in sale! It's fun to also change them up a bit, using spray paint I already had at home.

Step 1: Items

So I went to the discount section of Michaels with the idea to make a bouquet
I ended up finding a foam skeleton head, some fall fake flowers, some fall fake leaves, some sparkly fake sticks, ribbon, and a jar to put it all in. I wasn't a fan of how all the colors went together and I kept in mind I had paint at home. leaving the store I spent just over $10.

Step 2: Prime

First thing I did was prime the jar, I didn't like the yellow color and decided I would change it.

Step 3: Sticks.

I got a purple and white sparkly stick thing, the purple was ok but the white I wanted to make black so I sprayed it with spray paint and took some purple glitter (I already had) to sprinkle on to it while the paint was wet.

Step 4: Fixing the Flowers

I ended up cutting off all the green leaves but i kept the orange and red.

Step 5: Change the Flower Colors

I wanted it to look Halloweenish not fallish do I decided to change the flower colors. Taking purple spray paint lightly dust it over the white flowers. Taking two greens a dark and a light place that over the yellow flowers. Then taking a gay and black paint place that lightly over the orange flowers.

Step 6: Jar

Now that the primer is dry place gray and black over it in a gradient fashion.

Step 7: Skull

Then we just stabbed the skull head into one of the flower stems.

Step 8: Ribbon

I then added a ribbon, I liked the skulls. =P

Step 9: Done

super easy and fun!

Halloween Props Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Props Contest 2015

Epilog Contest VII

Participated in the
Epilog Contest VII

Halloween Decor Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Decor Contest 2015