Introduction: Duct Tape Bow Headband

About: Photographer | Blogger | Book Lover | Vintage Enthusiast | Instagram: @momo.davis Pinterest: @momodaviss

My headband is reversible but you can do it one sided if you want

Step 1: Make the Bow

Put two different pieces of duct tape on top of each other (or one color) do an accordion fold and take a tiny strip of duct tape and wrap it around the center.

Step 2: Attach the Bow

Take a piece of duct tape and curl it to make it sticky all around.

Step 3:

Do this with two pieces and put it at the corners of the bow an attach it to a random headband. Make sure to press it down nice and hard

Step 4: Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy your headband please vote for me and I will have more tutorials soon. REMEMBER! EVERY VOTE COUNTS

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