Introduction: Duct Tape Boomerang

About: I'm all about Making and Mental Health. Reach out if you need a chat .

So, I poked in a cupboard and found some corrugated card and some really cool digital-camouflage duct tape.

Obviously it was time to Make Something.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

This is really simple - some corrugated card, some duct tape, and something to cut them with.

(That was a really short step, wasn't it?)

Step 2: Design

I love making boomerangs, because there are so many shapes that will fly, quite aside the traditional L-shaped device.

If you can't think of your own idea, there is an excellent source of ideas is this database of plans HERE.  They are all intended to be carved from plywood, but you could print one out and trace the design onto your card.

One important point to remember is to round the ends of the wings - it flies better, and it'll do less damage if you clip an innocent bystander.

A note for the sinister;

If you are left-handed, then you will need to make (and throw) your boomerangs in a mirror-image of what I show here.

Step 3: Cutting

Cut your design out of the corrugated card, and then cut narrower pieces to lay along the leading edge of the boomerang's wings.  These will lift the tape up to form the required wing-like profile.

Step 4: Taping

First, use small pieces of tape to anchor the extra pieces.

Then, wrap the whole thing in duct tape.  Try and avoid lumps and flaps that will spoil the airflow around the wing.

Step 5: Flying Your Boomerang

Whichever shape of boomerang you have made, they are all thrown the same way. The "making" instructions in this project have assumed you are right-handed, and so will these throwing instructions.

The best weather for boomerangs is still air, or a light wind. Stand facing into the breeze.

Hold the boomerang vertically in your right hand, between finger and thumb, with the curved surface towards you (your thumb will be on the curved surface, and your forefinger will be on the smooth surface).

Lean the top of the boomerang slightly outwards, swing your hand back over your shoulder, and then flick it forwards rapidly.

It is vital that the boomerang is released with a powerful flick - if it doesn't spin fast enough, it will not return.


It may sound silly to say, but boomerangs don't fly in straight lines. When they fly properly, they fly in loops.

As you are facing into the wind, you are facing the furthest point your boomerang will fly. Throw your boomerang out to the right, about 20-40o from the way you are facing (if you are facing "12" on a clock-face, aim between one and two).


Hopefully, the boomerang will come back. As it flies, it will tilt, and be almost horizontal be the time it gets back to you. It will still be spinning quickly, though, so the safest way to catch the boomerang will be the clap it - smack two flat hands together to trap the boomerang as it passes.


Boomerangs are fun. They are cool. They let you show off when there's not enough wind for kiting. They can, though, be dangerous - spinning rapidly, moving quickly, they can cause potentially-serious wounds to the unsuspecting passer-by. Make sure your flying area is clear, or at least that everybody in it knows you are hurling unpredictable missiles around the place.

Throwing advice from Australia
Throwing advice from the USA

(There are also plenty of videos on YouTube. I have not made a "how to throw" video of my own because I am really bad at throwing boomerangs.)

But, above all, have fun.

(Caveat: I lifted this step whole-sale from this previous instructable)

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