Introduction: 0% Dust Brush for CNC RotoZip

About: I am a 23 year sign designer, fabricator, and installer. I like tinkering with electronics, and mechanical devices. I also like to explore the many apps. for leds. Woodworking is another favorite. CNC tops al…
You can fabricate this simple dust catcher in a short period of time. First of all forgive the photo quality, as I dont claim to be a photographer. This is my first Instructable that has been documented, I have many instructables under my belt, but never documented to any source. I hope to find time to publish more on Instructables soon. So lets get started you will need several items before we begin. Go to step 2 for a list of items. This item has been tested with absolute zero dust, using a 3.5hp 5 gal. shop vac.

Step 1: More Intro

This makes a nice addition for anyone who uses a cnc. It will cut down on the dust and fragments left by these machines, This simple but very effective peice allows me to run my machines in my house, I dont know  how you are set up for shop space but mine is full and cold right now, I hope this can help someone with their future machining. LETS GO!!!

Step 2: Items You Will Need

A list of materials you will need includes, Xacto knife or razor blade, a brush attachment from a shop vac, a new one comes with plastic wrapped around it you will need or something simular, an adjustable vac attachment for RotoZip, 5 minute epoxy a must have, hot glue gun, or fast dry glue, clear tape, a mini torch, or equivalent, a dremal with a metal cutting disk, a clean rag, laquer thinner,or equivalent, a small peice of sandpaper, keep everything close to hand because glue will set quick, Now lets start at step 3.

Step 3: Start Cutting.

With you dremal, cut the hose connection out of the brush, you can use another bit such as a carbide cutter and cut from the inside the brush. Notice the plastic ring inside the bristles, dont cut or damage you will need this ring for support in another step.

Step 4: Replace the Masking.

Start replacing the plastic wrapper, or use something like kitchen sandwich wrap, replace the cardboard ring inside the brush, or cut a peice to fit, this is important to hold the bristles in place. Use clear masking tape to completly seal the outside of the brush.On to next step.

Step 5: Decisions for Cutting.

Decide how much to cut, it has to be cut in order for your bit to reach your material. I decided to cut mine at 1/8in. due to the fact the top is adjustable. You can cut as much as a 1/4in. but no more. You dont want to set your bits to far out of the router, the farther out the less accuracy you will have with small bits. Take your dremal tool with a steel cutting disc, cut around the brush about half way into the brush cut slow, you want to melt the bristles to the inner and outer rings. Repeat this step and cut all the way into the brush, at this point you will be cutting the inner ring. Remember cut slow, you need to melt everything together. If you use a saw that has teeth on the blade you will just pull all the bristles out and ruin your project. Be real careful with the brush at this point, some of the bristles may not have bonded in the melting process. And on to next step.

Step 6: Heat and Bond.

Take the brush and place it on the table (bristle down) now take your torch and very, very, lightly sweep across the top of the rings and bristles. This step will bond everything, try not to melt your tape keep the heat on the top. When cooled down start to remove the tape and the cardboard liner, use your Xacto blade, this will help tremendously. Plug up your glue gun, place the brush top side down. Place 3 or 4 drops to the inside ring and bond the ring to the bristles. Do this quickly the heat from the glue gun will melt the bristles. The inside ring is very important if it is ruined your shop vac will suck the bristles away, or they may get entangled in your bit and destroy your machine or a very important cutting project. Please dont attempt to use without inner ring. On to next step.

Step 7: The Glue Up.

Sand the bottom of the RotoZip attachment, clean with solvent and set aside to dry. Now you will have to be quick. Mix enough epoxy to coat the top of the brush, when finished mix more epoxy, enough to coat the brush again and the RotoZip attachment. Cover the top of the brush again, (heavy) set on table and coat the bottom of the attachment, now quickly join both peices together. Rotate over and over to keep epoxy from running down and ruining your project. Make shure you extend the RotoZip attachment all the way out so you dont glue it closed, then you wont be able to adjust the brush when on tool.

Step 8: Ready to Roll

Now set it on table as in picture, you dont have to use stepper motor. Just place something on top for added weight. Let dry 24 hours, now place the device on the machine, check for clearance of your bit. Do some trimming with a pair of scissors if needed, as I said in section 6   DO NOT ATTEMPT to use without inner ring, very important!!!!! I am not responsible for any damages, use at your own risk.The use of cnc machines and the attempt to modify in any way is dangerous. If anyone uses this instructable please notify me here at Instructables, I would love to see your project or any improvements to mine. Good luck and happy machining. By the way I hope to get into the ShopBot contest, and win, I could increase production by 10 fold. My 12 X 24 could retire its weary old frame. So please give me a vote, if not me do it for my old cnc, Thanks.
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