Introduction: Fondant Decorated Cupcakes- Under the Sea Themed

About: Did you know that sewing needles are sharp, and that hot glue from a glue gun really is hot? ouch! I never learn. i should be an honorary spokeswoman for Band-Aid brand first aid products considering the nu…

At the Instructables HQ, we often like to have culinary show downs for bragging rights and to be deemed the ultimate Instructables chef.  Scoochmaroo, our food editor, has to earn her title and compete like the rest of us for a chance at being the best!

I had toyed with a few different ideas: making the faces of each of the staffer's at the I'ble HQ, 3D muppet heads with gum paste.  But due to a limited amount of time, I opted for the Under the Sea scene!

Cupcake Contest

Participated in the
Cupcake Contest