Introduction: Free Legal Music Downloads!!!!!!!!

I have known this technique for quite some time now and had kept it secret so that INTERPOL won't find out. Today I am here to share with you this tiny little known exploit in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This act is open to edits every 3 years (including 2009) so you will be safe for the next 3 or so years.

Step 1: Step 1: Downloads or Not

If you own a Windows computer you can go to to get a download "Free Video to MP3 converter", no virus or ad ware(Picture below). If you don't own a Windows computer or just don't wanna download something go to to convert the song.

Step 2: Step 2: Get the Song

You need to find a "Clean" song. Non, I don't mean non-Explicit, I mean no added video with no sound, no Rick-Rolls, or annoying things the uploader/user added as a joke. Go to Wikipedia and search up the song to make sure the length is right.

Step 3: Step 3: Convert

On click OK (Blue Button), On Free video to MP3 converter click the oddly named "Convert" button.

Step 4: Step 4: Add to Library

I will show you how to import the song into either Windows Media Player or iTunes. In Windows Media Player, Click File, Then "Add To Library" or just press F3. A tiny dialog should pop up and press OK to scan the system for audio files. In iTunes, Click File, then "Import" or Control + Shift + "Q".