Introduction: Guitar Stand

About: I live on the east coast of Canada, (New Brunswick). I have been tinkering and building things all my life and still manage to learn something new and exciting every day.

This guitar stand is made from laminated red oak. I built it to hold my new guitar. I didn't like the look of commercial stands so I began designing my own. The curves were done using the lamination method, so no steam was needed.  I also have since added an oak gate to replace the elastic band. The unit doesn't really need the gate but 2 toddlers with a fascination for my guitar required I do something  to prevent them from accidentally knocking it over. It is finished it with about 4 coats of a semi gloss verithane. 

I hope you enjoy looking at this and please vote for it in the I Made It contest.

I Made It Photo Contest

Second Prize in the
I Made It Photo Contest