Introduction: How to Add "Instant" ********** to Your Garden!

About: Retired, doing art work now. Great. Have the time and the money to spend doing what I want to do.
What a difference a tree makes!  In my case, I opted to purchase four japanese maple trees.  They were on a special at Lowe's and I've wanted one for a very long time.  By the way, the ******** in the title can be: Drama; Beauty; Excitement; Variety; Panache; Joy, Mystery;...or any of innumerable adjectives!  All to say, the change is great.  I have not planted the trees as of now, I want to let them "grow on me" for a while, and I can move them around, experiment, get used to them, and place them in absolutely the best spots.  
Share Your Garden Photo Contest

Third Prize in the
Share Your Garden Photo Contest

Colors of the Rainbow Contest

Participated in the
Colors of the Rainbow Contest