Introduction: How to French Braid Your Own Hair

About: An engineer, seamstress, cook, coder, and overall maker. Spent a summer at Instructables; got a degree in E: Neural Engineering at Olin College; made a microcontroller (; now thinking about climate c…
I have long hair. It can get in the way. Consequently, I keep my hair up in a french braid much of the time, and also braid it each night before bed to reduce tangling.

I've made a couple of approaches to this: I have this video, below; I have a Pinterest-style series of pictures on the first step; and I've done a step-by-step. If I were you, I'd start with the video. It gives the fullest picture. But if you need more help, the step-by-step is worded a bit differently.

I'd love if you'd comment on this to tell me which approach is most useful (or if I should keep trying several ways to do it). And of course, if you have any questions or clarifications, I respond to comments!

The video below is an overall lesson and demonstration, with voiceover and captioning:

If you need more help, continue on to read the step-by-step!

Step 1: Get a Bit of Hair From Each Side of Your Head

Step 2: Cross Right Over Left

It doesn't have to be right over left, of course. But for the purposes of this Instructable, it's much easier to say right and left than "this one" and "the other side".

Step 3: Transfer to Right Hand

Transfer both strands to your right hand. Keep them separate.
My technique: grab the original strand between index finger and curled middle finger. Then take the next strand by grabbing between curled index finger and thumb. This allows you, in the next step, to rock your hand forward and release the first strand.

Confusing? See the video below. I'll show you first how your hands will move (with nothing in them to braid), then on some scrap pieces of cloth. If it looks difficult, practice first! You will be doing this on the back of your own head.

Step 4: Add Hair From the Left

Pick up some hair with your left hand. I do this by sliding my index finger under both some hair not yet in the braid and the bottom-most lock of hair. (This hand position works with the hand technique demonstrated in the previous step.)

Step 5: Cross Left Strand and Pass to Right Hand

Passing is shown in the video below (this is the same video shown two steps ago).

Step 6: Add Hair to the Right Strand

Same as adding hair to the left, but this time with the right hand.

Step 7: And So On, and So Forth

Step 8: Braid the End

Step 9: Tie It Off

Step 10: Ta Da!

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