Introduction: Pinecone Foxes - Autumn Decoration

About: Mostly harmless

These adorable and easy made foxes, light up every grey and dull november day!

With pinecones as tail and bright orange, you bring a piece of autumn into your house.

Also a superb craft with kids under a rainy day!


You'll need:

Acrylic paint white and orange

black fineliner

dry pinecones

craft cardboard white and orange

white spray paint ( optional, but gives brighter colors)




glue stick

hot glue gun

Step 1: Spray Paint Pinecones

cover the whole pinecones with white spraypaint

let dry completely - if you are the impatient type, cheat with a hairblower

NOTE: if you don't have any spray paint you can skip this step - it only helps to get a brighter orange later on.

Step 2: Paint Them Orange

paint the pinecones with orange acrylic paint and let dry

- again, impatience is cured with a hairblower ;)

Step 3: Print the Fox Templates

I made A4 scans of my templates for you to print.

but feel free to draw your own foxes! - just make sure the size fits your pinecones.

Step 4: Making Foxes

place the templates on the orange craft cardboard

and draw the outlines with a pencil with quite som pressure.

you'll end up with an clearly visible impressed line on the cardboard

simply cut the fox silhoutte by following the line.

Step 5: White Spots and Details

do the same as explained in the previous step with the white spots of the fox

glue them in place with the glue stick

with the fineliner, draw the facial lines and details of the fox

NOTE: I changed the eye detail of the fox to more fox like and less catish.

Step 6: Just the Tip...

add a white tip on the tail with acrylic paint

Step 7: Heat Up the Glue Gun

glue the pinecone tail in place with hot glue

let it cool and your done :)

NOTE: my foxes are standing perfectly, but if yours tend to tip over backwards, add a small flap of cardboard as support.

Step 8: Decorate Your House

The foxes are now sitting on our dining table along with chestnuts and more pinecones

and can't wait to be our company on a nice autumn dinner :)

If you try it - please leave some pictures in the made it - section, I'm curious how yours turn out!

~I hope you enjoyed your stay~

sincerely, Mimikry

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