Introduction: Quick and Easy Crochet Flower Bookmark

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Crochet Flowers make one of the most popular choice for making Crocheted bookmarks. They are great decorative work of art and very practical to mark up pages of your book. Crochet flower bookmarks work up in minutes. and very easy to whip up. They are the perfect project for using your scrap yarn. 

These Crocheted Flower Bookmarks are a great option for gifting. It will definitely make a book loving person more happy. You make can gift a bunch of them to your loved ones. They are just suitable for any occasion.


Flower - 3 inches

Bookmark in length - 14 inches --Customizable to any size



  • 4 Ply Cotton Knitting Yarn
  • 4 mm Crochet Hook

Step 1:

Here is the Video Tutorial:-

You can follow along with this tutorial video. Please be sure to subscribe too!

Step 2:

Round 1:-

Start with a Magic Circle.

Chain 2(Not Counted as a stitch. It is just to bring the yarn to a working height)

12 Double Crochets in the circle.

Pull the yarn end to close the gap.

Slip Stitch on top of the first Double Crochet.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

Step 3:

Round 2:-

Chain 2(Not Counted as a stitch. It is just to bring the yarn to a working height)

1 Double Crochet Cluster in the same stitch.

Chain 3 Picot.

Repeat(1DC Cluster, Ch 3 Picot)

Slip stitch on top of the first Double Crochet Cluster.

Change color while making the slip stitch.

To Make a Double Crochet Cluster Stitch:-

  1. Yarn over, insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull through 2 loops on the hook.(This is same as doing a Double Crochet Stitch. It is just that , you don't finish the Double Crochet Stitch and continue doing the first part of the Double Crochet Stitch again and again).You should have 2 loops on the hook.
  2. Yarn over, insert the hook in the same stitch, yarn over and pull through 2 loops. You should have 3 loops on the hook.
  3. Continue with the first part of Double Crochet stitch untill you have 4 loops on the hook.
  4. Yarn over and draw the yarn through all 4 loops on the hook.
  5. Chain 1.

Step 4:

Round 3:-

Chain 3.

1 Double Crochet Cluster in the first Chain.

Make the next Double Crochet Cluster on top of the first Cluster.

Repeat the Cluster stitch untill its around 9 to 10 inches.

Once you reach the size needed, Chain 6 and weave off.

If you wish you can add any decorative pearls or embellishments of your choice.

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