Introduction: Star Trek TNG Enterprise Cake

About: Hello! I am an artist who has decided to try cake decorating after a close friend suggested it. I have been making cakes since August of 2010. I'd watched a lot of the various cake shows on TV and decided to t…

I made this cake as a grooms cake for a friend's wedding. Didn't have time to take pics while making it so it's just photos, no Instructable. It was also an outdoor wedding and hot and it started to melt and get lumpy. :( But it tasted great! It's cake and rice cereal treats covered in fondant. The lights are disposeable LED Floralytes®. After June 3rd I have no cake orders until the end of August so i hope to have time to make some cakes I've been thinking about for the last year or so, and make them into Instructables!

Cake Decorating Contest

Participated in the
Cake Decorating Contest