Introduction: Walking Dead Survival Tip, Gum Wrapper Lighter AKA Prison Lighter

About: Robert started prepping 15 years ago in anticipation of the perceived Y2K crisis. Starting out small with just enough resources to get him and his family through a week of supply disruptions, this quickly turn…

Use to do this when I was kid, but saw it being done on a recent episode of The Walking Dead. So I thought I would make an instruction video on how to do it. The Walking Dead Survival Tip. The Gum Wrapper Lighter AKA Prison Lighter. No lighter to start a fire. No Problem. This is a quick and easy tip that could save your life in an urban survival situation, if you ever need fire.All you need is an old or new gum wrapper or cigarette package liner and a AA battery and you have fire.

Step 1: Collect Materials

You will need the following items to make a gum wrapper lighter.

1) Gum Wrapper

2) AA Battery

3) Scissors or Knife

Step 2: Cut Gum Wrapper

Cut gum wrapper in a strip of about 1/4 inch and fold in half

Step 3: Create Ignition Point

Cut on an angle to a fine point. This is where the ignition of the lighter will take place.

Step 4: Connect to Battery

Connect one end of the wrapper to the positive and the other to the negative ends of the battery.

Step 5: You Have Fire

You now have fire and thus a lighter.

"Be prepared, stay safe and survive."