Introduction: Write a Villanelle (and Clean Your 3D Printer)

About: Former Artist in Residence at Instructables, currently Hacker Advocate at Hackster. Cofounder of ProtoTank, a hardware prototyping startup. FIRST kid (rock on, team 677!). Former board member at AHA (Ann Arbor…

It's 2 AM on Pier 9 in San Francisco. The pier is empty, except for you, and the doors are locked.

You're wrapping up a print -- which you're sure will be The One. After each object is laid down in resin and UV-cured, you must run the Head Cleaning Wizard.

And when it comes out, this one is almost perfect. But perhaps -- just one more, before you go to sleep...

You begin to settle into a rhythm...

Step 1:

The tray is empty, and the door is closed.
Another object wrought from light and brine...
Another thin white cloth to Lethe goes.

Step 2:

We'll soothe their quiet heads while they repose;
We'll smoothe their clever heads, we'll make them shine.
Another thin white cloth to Lethe goes.

Step 3:

At rest, the mouths from which the nectar flows;
Now rest, great beasts, astir with heady wine.
The tray is empty, and the door is closed.

Step 4:

Beyond the window, black refracts the glows;
Dark water draws each scintillating vine.
Another thin white cloth to Lethe goes.

Step 5:

Our quiet robot softly beeps and lows,
Its head mechanic, though its dreams are mine.
The tray is empty, and the door is closed.

Step 6:

My neurons also long to drowse and doze.
Come home with me, my washed ones: it is time.
The tray is empty, and the door is closed...
Another thin white cloth to Lethe goes.