Introduction: 10x5 RGB LED Matrix With Only 5 IO Pins
If you wanna build a fancy led matrix display with only a few pixels, this is exactly what YOU need!
Step 1: Get All What You Need!
You need:
-An Arduino
-WS2812(B) LED strip
-A piece wood
-7 jumper wires
-7 female pin headers
-some capacitors
-some wires
Step 2: Craft It to One Part
Use your crafting tools to bind the led's onto a base (something like a piece of wood or something else of your favor). Arrange them in a matrix of a size like 5 by 10 Led's.
I added on every second line an capacitor, because the LED's need much power. And I don't put the data out to the data in of an other line, because I wanna drive them parallel on 5 IO pins.
Put the first line's data IN to D10 of the Arduino, put the second to D9, the third to D8, the fourth to D7 and the fifth to D6!
Step 3: Flash the Software to Your Arduino
This is the software which you need:
Flash the software to your Arduino and open the processing project with... Processing! Now you should change the line "String portName = "/dev/ttyACM~";" to your Serial port, on WINDOWS "String portName = "COM~";"
Step 4: LOOK to This Stuff
Thank you for reading :)