Introduction: A Collection of Hacks From the FizzPOP Sugru Hack & Build Night

About: We are a small UK hack/makerspace. Wide and wild variations in interests. This is our official account. Open nights on Wednesdays. See @fzzpop, or…
A collection of the (really simple) hacks from our Sugru sponsored hack night. We also have a few more in-depth Instructables using Sugru.

Sugru is a cool air-setting (technically, curing) rubber-like silicone that comes in various colours. It is readily mixed and you can make any shade.

fizzPOP: The Birmingham Makerspace is a small UK hack/makerspace, growing fast, with new larger premises. There are wide and wild variations in interests from our members. This is our official account.

Step 1: Drop-proof Your Phone

Simply take some sugru and stick it to your phone or phone case. Yes, it will even stick to a silicone case!

Once cured the rubber lumps make an effective drop-proofing.

Step 2: Anti-vibration Feet

Big lumps of sugru make great anti-vibration feet. Nice and grippy, and absorbs the energy well.

To level it nicely, wait until it is starting to cure and is 'touch dry' - no longer sticky to touch - then set the item down so the feet get automatically levelled.

Step 3: Sculpture

Even a young child can mix the colour they want, with a little help. Here we see a purple monster made from a pack of red and a pack of blue mixed together, with a pinch of black and white thrown in.

Once mixed, treat it like any putty or play dough. We rolled two sausage arms, & used a lockpick to draw eyes and a mouth. Sugru is sticky enough that it was simply pressed together to bond, & the result is a tough toddler proof toy (so far!)

Step 4: Hedgehog

Using a bit of black and two dabs of yellow we made this cute little guy.

Texture added with a lockpick (we'll come to that) after making the body shape by squishing a ball slightly. Eyes were added by squashing two tiny yellow blobs.

Step 5: Car Key Remote Improvement

To stop the buttons being pressed so frequently when in the pocket, simply whack some sugru around the edge. Colour matching optional!

It also rebuilt the aerial cover, & as sugru is non-metallic the range wasn't affected.

At £50 for a new remote, this was a handy hack.

Step 6: Comfy Lockpick Handles

The yellow sugru was simply spread over the two plain steel lockpicks and allowed to cure, for a nice non-slip grip.

The red shim knife got a little reinforcement, & some finger protection, in case the user slips!

(If you're interested, we run a "Locks and Security night" as the second Wednesday open evening every month - try and stump us with a novel lock, or come learn to pick a lock! )

Step 7: Other Hacks

See our other Instructables for more makerspace fun from fizzPOP!

Here's another Sugru hack, a slightly more in-depth affair:

and next up is our awesome RC car fights! (because using sugru to stick knives to toy cars is a thing now.)