Introduction: Apple Pie Moonshine

About: A father, son, brother, husband, friend, cook, poet, photographer, biker, book author, amateur paranormal investigator & Libertarian. Italian and Sicilian descent.
First off, you will need a very large stock pot.  I believe the one I'm using is something like 2.5-3 gallons and you can see how full it is.

1 gallon apple juice
1 gallon apple cider
3 cups sugar
8 cinnamon sticks

Combine all the above ingredients in the large stock pot. Stir well.  Bring the pot to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour.  Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature (very important unless you want to burn your house down).  Add 1 liter of Everclear.

Jar or bottle up.  Be careful, this is very potent stuff.