Introduction: Arduino - Temp and Humidity DHT11 + LCD 1602A - KY-015 Sensor

About: Hello world! I make simple & Advanced projects for people who want to learn programming and electronics. Most of my Instructables are about arduino and the wide range of sensors you can use with it. I make…

Hello world! Today i made another example for one of the bunch of sensor that i have.

This time i made a simple weather station with the DHT11 (ky-015) and the LCD 1602A.


If you are using a I2C on the LCD screen i already set the lines in the CODE for you.

Just follow the steps in the Code to make it work with a I2C, make sure you set the Right I2C address in the code.

Here are the most common I2C addresses.

i2C Addresses:

PCF8574 = 0x20,

PCF8574A = 0x38,

PCF8574AT = 0x3F

Check the following step for the Schematic Code and Parts list!

Step 1: Schematic Code & Parts List.

Parts List.

  1. Arduino Uno, I used a RobotDyn Uno which has 7 analog pins instead of 5.
  2. Potentiometer 10k
  3. KY-015 dht11
  4. LCD 1602A (You do not need a I2C on it, by default the code is without I2C)
  5. set of Jumper wires MM/FF/MF.

Good luck!