Introduction: Attiny 85 Led Ladder Game
First f all I would like to point out that this project is not made by me, (I made the device shown here following another instructable).The sole purpose of this instructable is to correct lots of the mistakes the previous project had.This is the link for the original one:
Step 1: Gathering the Materials
--Parts needed--
- 1*attiny85 microcontroller
- 1*tactile switch
- 1*1kohm resistor
- 1*slide switch
- 12*leds (3 red, 3 yellow, 3 green and 3 blue ones)
- 1*battery holder
- 1*arduino uno (the programmer)
- 1*10 uf electrolytic capacitor
As you can see I have used an uncommon type of led in this project.These are 1.8mm leds and they are much smaller than the common ones (5mm, 3mm).They are also much harder to find, so I would recommend to use more casual sizes like 3mm.I used these just because I could stack them together in order to save more space in the circuit board.Also I would recomend (if you want to make this project the same size as I did) to go with a resistor the same size as the one in the picture witch is about 4mm wide (most resistors have an 6mm width), this actually helps a lot while soldering.For the last two parts refer to step 4
Step 2: The Scematic
- IMPORTANT SIDENOTE!!!!!!! there is a connection between two wires (I am talking about the schematic) only where there is a dot otherwise they do not connect (this was for the less experienced users)
Step 3: The Code
- The code has remained untouched.The credits (as far as I am concerned) belong to user 'lendss' who reated this project
- If you experience any problems while compiling the code visit the original instructable for help
Step 4: Uploading the Code to the Attiny
- This step requires the use of an arduino uno in order to act as a programmer for the attiny chip.You will also need a 10 uf electrolitic capacitor
- You will also need to have installed the arduino IDE (version 1.6 and higher)
- At first open the preferences menu on the arduino software.
- Find the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" and paste the following URL:
- Hit "ok" and open "Boards Manager" on the "Tools" menu.
- From the boards manager you will see an entry for"Attiny", install it.
- Connect your arduino.
- From "file>examples"select "arduinoISP" and upload it to your board.
- Disconnect your board and start wiring it to the ic as shown in the pictures
- First connect the capacitor to the arduino with the positive pin to the reset pin and the negative to ground
- Then connect the arduino to the ic like it is done in the pictures
- Pay close attintion to the wiring:
- Arduino pin 10 goes to attiny pin 1
- Arduino pin 11 goes to attint pin 5
- Arduino pin 12 goes to attiny pin 6
- Arduino pin 13 goes to attiny pin 7
- Arduino ground goes to attiny pin 4
- Arduino 3.3v goes to attiny pin 8
- Connect the arduino board to your computer.
- Then open "Tools>Board" and select "Attiny"
- Open "Tools>Processor" and select "ATtiny85"
- Open "Tools>Clock"and select "1mhz internal"
- Select the port your arduino is connected through "Tools>Port"
- Go to "Tools>Programmer" and select "Arduino as ISP"
- Upload the code
For more information visit this link:
Step 5: Soldering
As far as creating the device itself the whole process is pretty straight forward.The way way everything is wired and placed is almost identical to the schematic, so it should not be that hard
Step 6: End
If everything has been done correctly then it should be fully functional.For any questions leave a comment and I will reply as soon as I can.