Introduction: DIY Wild Vine on Dead Tree.


Tree stick ,wood cutter,solution tape ,super glue,aluminium wire,color ,glue gun ,air dry modeling clay ,pot,dry vines,floral foam,scissor

Step 1: Tree Stick Cutting & Wire Setting on Stick

  1. Chose some tree stick.
  2. Cut sticks and fixed like tree branch shape.
  3. Take aluminium wire & over lap on stick like vine shape with the help of bull-nose pliers.

Step 2: Flower & Leaf Cutting and Making

  1. Color on aluminium wire.
  2. Take solution tape and cut few flowers ,and leaves.
  3. Use glue to shape the leaves.
  4. Now color the flowers and leaves .

Step 3: Fixing of Leaves and Dry Vine

  1. Take leaves to fix on tree with glue
  2. Take few dry vine and fix these on tree with glue.

Step 4: Tree Fixing in Pot

  1. Fix tree in pot with the help of glue .
  2. to hold the tree use air dry modeling clay.
  3. After fixing the tree take some floral foam and spread on clay to real look.
  4. Now the tree is properly fixed in clay.

Step 5: Final Look

  1. Take flowers to fix on vine.
  2. Now the DIY wild vine on dead tree is ready .
  3. Final pics.