Introduction: Hand Drawn Picture Style in Gimp

About: Just another computer nerd. I'm ready for our AI overlords and wetware implants.
So I stumbled across this cool way to style pictures after trying to make it look like a sketch on gimp. This instructable is an explanatory one about how you could also make this nice looking piece of art for your own with most if not all pictures. BTW, the first picture is me, the second picture is my sister, and the third is my parents. So you could go to the next step now if you want. Go now! Shoo!

Step 1: What You Will Need

These are what you will need:
-a computer
-some hands
-a brain
-a picture
-something to make the picture with
-the ability to move on to the next step

Step 2: First...

Select your picture...

Step 3: Second...

Follow these steps to make your picture gray:
press ok

now move on tho the next step
btw: |   is an arrow

Step 4: Third...

Now follow these steps:
edge detect
difference of Gaussians
radius 1 at 7 and radius 2 at 1
press ok

Step 5: Fourth...

Follow these steps:
select bucket fill tool
have black as your color
fill one part with black and most of it should be black except for lines

now if you like it this way, then stop at this point in the process

Step 6: Fifth...

To make it like the first picture, follow these steps:

all done

Step 7: Sixth...

If you want you can experiment with values and stuff to make it look different or change colors or color it in or something. I hope that you enjoyed it and that you can show us the art that you did. Arrivederci.