Introduction: Knex War Bomb

About: K'nex is my thing!
This is my Knex war bomb/explosive/grenade. As the name suggests, this is made For knex wars. It does not blow up in your face while you are making it, explodes violently and sends a lot of knex flying in many directions. Be sure to check out the video below to see it in action. I also added a video of me shooting it with a gun. Enjoy!

Step 1: Collect Pieces

The piece count for one bomb is:
8 Rubber bands. I used ones that were slightly smaller and thinner than #64 elastics, the standard thick ones.

Step 2: Build the Bomb

1: Make these,
2: Put them together like so.
3: Reapeat steps 1 and 2 to get this,
4: Put one on the whites like so,
5: and put the rest on like so.

Watch the video to look at my fast-paced way of putting together the grenades.

Step 3: Chuck It!

Your done! Thanks for seeing my instructable. And if you made it this far, you probably made the grenade too. So Thanks, and dont blow up your freinds too much.


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