Introduction: Monitoring Temperature and Humidity Using Cayenne
In this project we will create temperature and humidity monitor using cayenne.
We can monitor anywhere in this world using internet..
Why cayenne?
Cayenne is easy to use for beginner, and powerful to expert.
Step 1: Hardware and Software
In this step we need hardware and software below :
DHT22 Module
USB FTDI (to program ESP)
Arduino IDE and cayenne
Step 2: Circuit Diagram
The picture tell us how to make connection on the circuit
Step 3: Program ESP12E
You need to program your ESP-12E to connect to your wifi access point
change the value of ssid, pwd, and cayenne token to yours.
Step 4: Setup Cayenne Dashboard
The next is, set up your cayenne dashboard like on the pictures attached.
You're almost done and can monitoring temperature and humidity from anywhere!!!