Introduction: Orange Candle

About: Electrical Engineer
This instructable will show how to make a candle from any citrus and kitchen oil in minutes.

Step 1: Materials & Tools

1) Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon
2) Knife
3) Any type of oil, Vegetable, Olive, Canola, etc.

Step 2: Remove the Middle

Remove / eat the middle portion of the orange being careful to leave the middle stem like portion intact.  I found removal easiest by using a sharp knife and digging out the middle starting with the edge closest to the outside of the orange.

*Caution - Do not ingest the orange if you have extreme citrus allergies and/or fear of oranges or spherical objects.

Step 3: Fill & Light

Fill the cavity with any type of oil such as Vegetable or olive oil to just below the center stem like wick.  Light the center stem like wick.  This orange candle burned for most of the day.  Below are the before and after pictures.

Step 4: Top

The other half can also be used as a cover by similarly hollowing the center and cutting a circle in the top.  Thinning the white skin under the thicker orange portion will give the candle a softer orange glow.