Introduction: Simple Coin Pendant

About: Travelling since 2013. I'm currently in Australia for some reason. --- I’m Calvin Drews, and I love to learn, experiment, invent, create, repair, and generally just do things myself. A sort of modern jack of …

This is a pretty easy instructable about how you can make a coin pendant out of just about any non-aluminum coin. Brass or bronze coins work best.

Make sure to check out my blog!

Now you can wear the coins you found or brought back from your travels! 

You will need a little bit of soldering experience. The soldering here is pretty easy, so this project would make a pretty good introduction to jewelry making.

Step 1: What You'll Need

Small Torch
Brass Pipe
Working surface (in this case, an upturned soapstone candle holder)
Small File
600 grit wetdry sandpaper

Step 2: Making the Bale

Cut the brass pipe about 5mm from the end. You should end up with a little ring like the one in picture two. File the little ring until it's shiny (so the solder will stick to it)

Step 3: Prepping the Coin

File the side of the coin where you want the bale to be soldered to. It needs to be shinny or the solder won't stick.

Step 4: Flux

Flux the area where the bale and coin touch. I use regular plumbing flux for soldering brass, steel, and bronze.

Step 5: Soldering Video

Here's a quick video of me soldering it:

Step 6: Polishing

Give the new pendant a quick polishing with some 600 grit wetdry, and you're done!

If you noticed, this isn't the same coin as the one in the intro...I wrecked this one before I took a picture of the final product...oh well :)