Introduction: Simple Evil TV Remote Possession Device

About: its not "look what I can do" its "look what I can teach you"

This prank makes it seem like a TV remote is possessed or broken. Once a user pushes a button on any remote the device will record the code then send it out multiple times. Thus, if a user pressed the channel up button the tv would change channels! several more times!

Step 1: Theory of Operation

In simple terms the operation does the following:
1) Wait until an IR pulse is detected
2) Record the IR pulse sent
3) Wait for a second
4) Send the same pulse several times
5) ????
6) Profit!

Step 2: Bill of Materials

1x Arduino - version should not matter.
1x IR receiver. Make sure it has 3 legs
1x IR led
1x Small piece of wire
1x TV to prank

I had an old VCR sitting around in my attic that I was able to salvage the IR receiver and the IR led from. as a bonus the remote for the VCR would make an awesome camouflage for the finished project.

Step 3: Build the Circuit

to keep things small and simple I mounted everything on the arduino board directly. I had to run one wire from the IR detector to the desired input.

NOTE: This should be done with the arduino's power disconnected!

Take the LED and place it into pin 13 and GND (next to pin 13) please note the proper polarity is necessary. If you look at the LED from the side (assuming its a clear type) you should see one of the leads coming up to a skinny piece and the other lead coming up to a large wedge shape. The skinny piece is the positive (+) and the wedge is the negative(-). The positive(+) side should be in pin 13 and the negative(-) side should be in GND.

Next we need to attach the IR receiver. Depending on the manufacturer you will need to put the positive lead into 5V and the negative lead into GND. If you purchased the receiver then usually it is written somewhere on the packaging.  Otherwise you need to do some experimentation to discover the pinout. Try 2 pins and power the arduino on. Usually if it is the wrong 2 pins the reciever will start to get hot. Quickly disconnect it and let it cool off before trying another pair.

Once you have the correct pair you need to take the third lead and wire it to pin 7. You can usually use a small piece and just wrap the lead but if you feel like you can solder it as well.

Finally been the receiver so it is facing the direction the remote will be at. This is not 100% necessary but improves results in poor lighting situations.

Step 4: Download the Code

First thanks to adafruit for the originating code.

Download this code onto your arduino!

Origional code as posted on

It was modified to pulse the code out a number of times

Editable options:
times_to_annoy 15
-How many times to pulse the code

delay_to_start_annoying 1000
-Time between capturing code and sending code in milliseconds

 delay_between_annoying 750
-Time between sending each code in milliseconds

cooldown 15000
-Time to wait after sending the last code to start looking for new codes

IRledPin 13
-The pin the IR Led is on

IRpin 7
-The pin the receiver is on

Step 5: Test

Open up the serial monitor to your arduino. Point any remote at the arduino and press a button. If everything is set up correctly it should say "Captured remote code!" After a second the arduino will start repeating the code it received.

If at this point nothing is printed out then check the wiring of the receiver. CAREFUL IF WIRED INCORRECTLY IT COULD BE HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Step 6: Deploy

Under normal circumstances you will want to camouflage your arduino so nobody is the wiser. I found that the VCR remote (gutted) was able to hold the arduino and already had a battery holder providing 6V. But as I have electronics laying about anyway I just left it in the open. Nobody ever guessed what was going on!

All that is left is for you to power it on and point the led and receiver.

Happy pranking!