Introduction: Table for Electronic Dreams

About: This space intentionally left blank.
Table for Electronic Dreams is a table which reveals the hidden electrical activity of nearby electronic objects. Through this interaction, people will develop a greater awareness of the invisible workings of their electronic devices and the limits of human perception.

Step 1: Gather Parts!

You will need:


15 circuit boards
15 LM324 quad op amp
15 14-pin sockets
60 white LEDs
60 induction coils*

* Currently I am using coils from Digikey part number M10013-ND. The inductance is 4.7mH. They do not look like the ones pictured in this instructable.

60 10 ohm resistors
60 10M ohm resistors
60 1K ohm resistors
30 100K ohm resistors
15 10 μF capacitors
60 0.1 μF capacitors

You could change these numbers if you want to make a smaller table. There will be 1 quad op amp, 4 LEDs and 4 induction coils for each board.

For the table:

1/4 inch translucent white acrylic 33" x 21"
1/4 inch clear acrylic 33" x 21"

aluminum u-channel

For op amps I am using a quad op amp LM324, but you can use any op amp chip.

Step 2: Plan Circuit

Follow the schematic and connect the components properly.

You can do this on a perfboard or a printed circuit board if you want to be fancier. I am selling printed circuit boards , please see my website for details on ordering boards.

Essentially the coil picks up a voltage, which is amplified by the op amp, which drives an LED.

I have placed the coil next to the LED so there is more of a one-to-one correspondence between detected field strength and LED brightness.

See a legible version of the circuit diagram here:

Step 3: Assemble Circuit

Assemble components onto a printed circuit board.

You can also use perf board.

The board should run on between 3 to 5 V DC current. Use a voltage regulator (7805 or 3940) in order to get a steady voltage.

Step 4: Test the Board

Oh look, it's working!

Step 5: Repeat!

You can keep making circuit boards!

Step 6: Mount Circuit Boards

I mounted the circuit boards to some transparent acrylic.

I placed the boards so that the LEDs are in a 3 inch pitch grid.

You can then connect the powers and grounds of each of the boards together with some wire.

Step 7: Test the Circuits

You can test the circuits' responsiveness to electronic devices.

I used a cellphone, but it works best if the cellphone is in use. You can try calling a friend or checking your voicemail.

Step 8: Build Table

You can install these circuits into an existing table, or build your own.

Actually, it doesn't have to be a table at all...

Step 9: Finishing Touch

Now you can place a sheet of translucent white acrylic above the layer of circuits to diffuse the light from the LEDs.

I used small white vinyl bumpers for the acrylic to sits on top of.

Step 10: Done!

For more information and a video, please see
