Introduction: The Removable PVC Tubing Bike Surfrack

This is a easily removable bike rack made with PVC tubing and joints. The only skill required is  to cut the PVC pipe for jointing and drilling a hole for the lock pin. All Joints and bends are standard PVC fittings.

The rack is held in place by passing the saddle post through the rack and securing it with a lock pin. The rack can be removed compleately in less than 10 seconds  so if it is a bike you use for regular use this rack will be perfect

I've been using this regularly for a year now. Since i don't have too many build pictures i will add some drawings of the assembly along with the instructions

Considerations For the build
  • For the build use the smallest diameter PVC pipe through with seat post will pass.
  • Choose pipe that is thick (higher guage)
  • Build the rack so that the board sits on the side of the road your ride on.  
List Of Parts
  1. PVC pipe ( approximately 8 times the width of your board)
  2. 90 degree elbow bend ( 7 numbers)
  3. T junction (4 numbers)
  4. Suitable Size lock pin or a bolt
Tools Required
  • Measuring Tape
  • Hack Saw Blade
  • Drill
  • PVC Solvent cement or other suitable adhesive

Step 1: The Mounting Assmbly

This part is designed in such a way that there will be minimal bending / drooping once the board is fixed. After a lot of testing the final design forms the a torsion box. It takes the weight of my 6'7" board easily.

This part of the build can be glued on permanently at this stage.

Contains 4 T's, two glued vertically and two horizontally using Pipes A

The length of PIPE A is just big enough to to glue the Two T's so that they touch each other.

Both these pieces are connected together using using Pipe B as shown in the figure.

The length of Pipe B is the length between the frame and the tip of the pedal taken parallel to the ground so that the rack clears the pedal while cycling. Give allowance for a little bit of bending / wobbling 

To the end of this two 90 degree bends are glued similarly using Pipe A. The bends are aligned approximately 45 degrees to either side of the vertical.

This is the last piece that will be glued on at this stage. Rest of the pieces will be glued after all the parts are fitted properly.

Step 2: Building the Surfboard Cradle

In this step the cradle for holding the surfboard is built. Do not glue them at this stage!!!

Cut 3 lengths of the pipe approximately 1.5 times the width of your surfboard.

Join 2 of this to the 90 degree bends on the mounting torsion box from the earlier step

Make sure that there is sufficient clearance from the ground. if its too close to the ground then make it shorter the difference will only be that the surfboard will sit a bit higher

Fix two 90 degree elbow bends to the end of the this pipe so that they are parallel to the torsion box as shown in the first figure.

Cut two pieces of Pipe whose length is approximately equal to the thickness of the surfboard and connect to the end of 90 degree elbow

Adjust the elbow so that the pipe is parallel to the ground. 

Fix two more 90 degree elbow's at the ends of these pipes

Fix the third long pipe we cut and join it to the elbow coming from the top member of the torision box

Now connect another length of pipe to the other elbow. This length should meet the previous piece near the torsion box.

Now adjust bends and trim the pipes so that the last 90 degree elbow will join this two pipes . The rack fitting is now complete and should look like the third figure.

Step 3: Gluing

Now in this step we have to permanently fix the pipes. To glue them correctly I use the following technique

Before dismantling draw lines across each joint  as shown in the figure.

Now dismantle the cradle apply the adhesive and put it back together making sure the lines align thereby making sure it all comes together easily.

Step 4: Placing the Lock Pin

In this step we will set up a lock pin to stabilise the whole system

Now place the rack on the bike and add a surfboard .

Now align the rack so that the surfboard is parallel to the bike.

Make a line on the bike seat post and the rack.

Make a hole through the rack passing through the seat post to insert a lock pin or a simple bolt.

Insert pin lock-pin or bolt through the whole and TEST!!!!

you should feel very happy at this stage and your rack is complete :)

to remove the rack just remove the lock pin and slide the seat post out. Its as easy as that !!!!

Added bonus.

When not on the bike you can hook the rack to a wall or have a small shaft any place you want to keep the surfboard as shown in the last image

happy building :)