Introduction: Paper Rocket

About: Hi there. I'm Hannah. I'm fifteen. I like to smile :)
you might ask, "What's The point?" The point is that its cool and easy =)

Step 1: What You Need...

you'll need
a piece of paper
a pen (optional)

Step 2: Lets Get Folding

ok easy step, fold in half

Step 3: Collapse

just follow the pictures and you'll be fine

1.take folded side and fold it down.
2.the opposite side fold.
3.follow creases on the bottem.Then press the top ones to meet the other ones, it should look like mine.
4.Follow 1 -3 on this page

Step 4: Almost Done =D fold the bottem up. Unfold
2.There is 2 parts on the side (not the triangles) fold them in.
3.the top triangle, fold the fins down.
4.The fins tuck into the bottem triangle (that should be folded).

Step 5: Yay Ur Done!

now that your done, you can decorate it, draw, and color it =) ByE-bYe