Introduction: Arduino - Smartphone Controlled Arduino Robot Car Via Bluetooth (G-Sensor)

About: Maker 101; Beginner and intermediate level Maker projects! You can find projects such as "How to" and "DIY" on programmable boards such as Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi on this channel. The projects…

Smartphone Controlled Arduino Robot Car via Bluetooth.With G-sensor the robot will move depending on the slope of your smartphone. Joystick can be operated in the normal mode by moving the slider with your finger.

Step 1: Required Hardware

Arduino Board -

Bluetooth HC-06 -

L293D -

Chassis -

DC Motor and Wheel -

Front Wheel -

F to F Wire -

M To M Wire -

Breadboard -

Battery 9V 9V Battery Clip -

9V Battery Cable -

Smartphone or Tablet

Recommended site -

Step 2: H-Bridge L293D

L293D is IC which is commonly used as a H-bridge.

There are also other IC’s like L298 etc. but in this tutorial, we will see how we can use L293D. At the same time, you can use Motor driver chip L298N in this project.

Step 3: Connection

HC-06 chip of Bluetooth module solderes to the module board containing DC-DC converter and level conversion RX and TX signals.

Chip HC-06 needs power of 3.3V, but thanks to the converters, you can connect this module to the boards power by 5V.

Step 4: Application

RemoteXY is easy way to make and use a mobile graphical user interface for controller boards to control via smartphone or tablet.

RemoteXY -

Step 5: Code

You can use these codes in both L293D and L298N.

I will share the added codes as a single section. So watch carefully where to add the code blocks I've added!

Get the Code -

Step 6: You Can Subscribe to My YouTube Channel

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