Introduction: Copper Crystal Ring

About: I'm16 and in my free time I control cockroaches, weld, make canoes from duct tape, 3D print, make helmets, light big pieces of wood on fire, and other awesome stuff

I made a ring earlier this year out of some scrap copper; it was terrible quality but it was fun to make. I decided to make another, higher quality, ring. I had read that copper can be made into crystals so I decided to grow some crystals and use them as the stone of the ring

This instructable was written late at night for a contest deadline so I have some steps I need to polish up

Step 1: Items Needed

Ingredients needed to grow a crystal
    1. sulfuric acid (battery acid)
    2. Copper
    3. 6 volt battery
    4. Plastic container
    5. Well-ventilated area
    Things needed to make the ring
      1. Strong hammer
      2. Solid copper grounding wire
      3. Anvil/hard surface
      4. Sturdy vise
      5. Epoxy
      6. Sandpaper
      7. Rat tail and flat files
      8. Solder
      9. Propane torch

      Step 2: Growing Crystals

      I found on the internet that if you put electrodes in sulfuric acid you can make copper sulfate and then crystals. I produced my Copper sulfate by suspending two copper electrodes in battery acid (dilute sulfuric acid) and running 6 volts DC through the electrodes. Overnight it turned blue (a sign it turned to copper sulfate.)

      Though crystals can be formed by the method previously I actually ended up buying my copper sulfate as it was less time consuming and less dangerous. I heated up a kettle of water and dissolved some "Zep Root Kill" in a plastic container then let the water evaporate until nice crystals had formed

      Step 3: Making the Ring

      I first took a 2 in. piece of the grounding wire and hammered it until it was about 2 3/4 in. Then I "rounded" it by rotating the piece while hammering. After it was approximately the circumference of my sisters' finger it broke it off of the rest of the copper wire. Then I started to bend it; by hammering and by bending it around a round piece of metal. It took a few pieces of copper to get the bending process correct so don't be surprised if it breaks in two.

      Step 4: Solder

      After I test fitted it on my sister I cut some materia the ring with a Once I made sure that the ring fit on my sisters I decided to solder it together. First I got a piece of solder as long as the width of the ring. Then I used the blowtorch to melt the solder; since the ring is copper the solder wicked pretty nicely.

      Step 5: Polishing

      Once I was satisfied with my soldering I started polishing the ring. I started sanding it with some high/medium grit with my hands but then I decided to put it on my wood lathe to speed the process up.

      After a little bit I switched to a high grit emery paper.

      Step 6: Clear Coating

      I affixed the crystal to the ring with epoxy on the opposite side of the lead joint.To protect the copper from oxidation I borrowed my sister's nail polish and clear coated the ring as well as the crystal because copper sulfate is slightly toxic and a mild irritant.

      Step 7: Finished!

      Makerspace Contest 2017

      Participated in the
      Makerspace Contest 2017

      Unusual Uses Challenge 2017

      Participated in the
      Unusual Uses Challenge 2017

      Explore Science Contest 2017

      Participated in the
      Explore Science Contest 2017