Introduction: Diy Gift Basket

About: Hi everyone my name is waverly. I am homeschooled and I have three younger siblings 4 year old brother, 8 and 12 year old sister and I love to try new crafts or art and share them with others. I also LOVE adve…

Want a fast and easy gift basket? Well look no further. This basket took me 20 minutes to make and only cost me $1.50!

Step 1: Supplies

~ Chunky Yarn
~ N-9.00mm crochet hook
~ Scissors

Step 2: The Base

Row 1: chain 2, single crochet 9 then slip stitch

Row 2: chain 1, single crochet 2 in each previous single crochet, slip stitch

Row 3: chain 1, single crochet 2 in the same single crochet, then single crochet 1, your pattern should look like this 2-1-2-1-2-1

Row 4: chain 1, single crochet 2, single crochet 1, single crochet 1, your pattern should look like this 2-1-1-2-1-1

Row 5: chain 1, single crochet 2, single crochet 1, single crochet 1, single crochet 1, single crochet 1, your pattern should look like this 2-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1

Step 3: Edging

Row 6: chain 1, single crochet 1 in the BACK LOOPS ONLY until the end

Row 7-11: chain 1, single crochet 1 in both loops until the end.

Tie off yarn

Step 4: Done

Now all you have to do is put in the gifts!! I hope you've enjoyed this Instructable

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Homemade Gifts Contest 2016

Participated in the
Homemade Gifts Contest 2016