Introduction: Dodecahedron 2015 Calendar

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A fun DIY 2015 calendar you can hold in your hands instead of flipping the pages – a 3D dodecahedron calendar made of just 2 pieces of paper!

This would be fun to use as Christmas tree ornaments as well, and let your guests help themselves to a mini desk calendar for the new year!

Step 1: Print and Cut

To make this calendar, all you need are 2 piece of 8.5"x11" card stock.

Print out the free template, cut around the outlines, and score around each pentagon shape. Gently fold along each scoreline.

Download template here.

Step 2: The Glueing Process

Start with the first half of the year, glue each tab to the back side of the adjacent pentagon, and form half of the dodecahedron.

For the second half, do the same but leave October and November tabs open, then glue the 2 halves together.

Finish with gluing the November and October part.

Step 3: Happy New Year!

That’s it! Enjoy your new calendar! Wish everyone at instructables a happy 2015!