Introduction: Fast N Fancy Hot Braided Crescent Sandwich

About: One lifetime is not enough to see & learn about everything in this beautiful world God made for us; especially His crowning creation: people. Jesus came to give us life (John 3:16) and I am grateful to Him for…
This delicious FAST n EASY hot braided sandwich will impress your friends and win over your enemies.

Your company will swear they could never make a fancy braid like yours! Ha. You can either smile smugly or graciously give them the url for this instructable!

Step 1: What You Will Need

Ladies and gentlemen please start your oven at 375 degrees.


  1. 2 cans refrigerated crescent rolls
  2. sliced american or your fav cheese
  3. toasted sesame seeds
  4. your fav lunchmeat, I used smoked turkey
  5. optional 2 egg yolks, beaten

Step 2: Unroll Your Crescent Roll

  1. Open the can & unroll the dough into a rectangle on your cookie sheet or other pan. Press the perforations together. It doesn't have to be perfect, remember this is supposed to be FAST.
  2. Take a butter knife or whatever works for you, and cut some 'tabs' up one side & down the other, you will need approximately the same number on each side, leaving the middle uncut. It works out to 1/3's, the middle third is where you are going to layer your cheese & lunchmeat.

Step 3: Making the Braid

  1. Start at one end, see how it is folded one tab over the other. I start at the bottom & put down a right tab, then left, til I'm at the top. It's ok if the meat shows a bit in between the tabs. Kinda press the top tab down into the tab underneath as you work your way up. Don't worry if it looks a bit messy, see mine?
  2. Now would be the time to brush on some slightly beaten egg yolk over the top of the braids. I ran out of time so I skipped it, but it does make a richer crust. Very delicious, and a bit more fancy!
  3. Now sprinkle some sesame seeds over the top liberally.

Step 4: Wow I'm Impressed!

  1. Put the braids in the preheated oven for 15-25 minutes til nice & golden brown. Serve hot! Great with a salad. Your guests will rave over this fancy braid. Be sure they see it before you slice it.
  2. Our grandboys' favorite blessing: God is great...God is good...Let us thank Him for our His Hands we all are fed...thank you God for daily bread. Amen.

    Now wasn't that fast n fancy?