Introduction: Flavor Packed Quick N Tasty Chicken Meal

About: I am married with two children. Spring, summer, and fall are my very favorite times of the year. I enjoy working in the yard, sewing, cooking, quilting, gardening, and creating. I do this to keep my sanity.

This instructable was inspired by our ancient ancestors who practiced the brine method for preserving meat, dating back before the birth of Christ according to "Frederick K Ray" at the Oklahoma State University,who is the Extension Animal Foods Specialist.

If you are looking for a quick recipe that packs a lot of punch, follow through and I will share how I made it.

Step 1: Ingredients and Utensils

Sometimes I purchase meat that has been marked down for a quick sale; if I will be cooking it that night or plan on freezing that night and cook it at a later time.

Ingredients and Utensils:

Chicken pre-cooked or raw your choice of cut.

1 whole Lemon plus zest from the whole lemon

Pink salt ( has natural healthy minerals)

Fresh ground pepper blast of flavor (don't be stingy with the black pepper in this recipe, the pepper really perks up the chicken~ so delicious~

Seasonings of your choice I used oregano, thyme, and pepper I have also used Rosemary.

Approx 4 Tablespoons Extra virgin Olive oil "is very healthy and is used to oil the skillet and chicken and sprinkle the pan drippings over the cooked chicken and fresh salad".

Arugula or dark leaf lettuce or spinach (has lots of iron and mixed with lemon helps you absorb the iron better. Studies show many of us living in the US are deficient in minerals.

Feta cheese (powerful flavor punch) You just need a little but can use a lot if you wish. I like more. It has a burst of delicious flavor worth devouring.

The beauty of this recipe is you only need a pot for cooking and a way to heat the pot, A multi purpose cooker, hot plate, oven, slow cooker etc. A source of water for cleaning the lettuce and a plate and fork.

The best part . . . it is so wonderfully delicious. This recipe is even bolder if you would like to make the longer version:as described in the next step.

Step 2: Longer Version Brine Method

I usually make the shorter version because you need to throw away the brine after the chicken has soaked. When I really want a treat, I brine the chicken in half of the 4 oz feta cheese mixed with the salt brine and use the rest of the feta for garnish. It saves money this way.


Place one quart cold water into a covered glass or stainless steel bowl or a zip lock bag. (non-reactive)

Add 2 Tablespoons table salt and mix.

Add one container 4 oz of feta cheese to the salt water mixture. Sometimes I add 2 oz of the feta in the salt brine and use the rest of the container for garnish to save money. It is almost as good as the long version.

I used my hand to break up the feta pieces but you can use a blender.

Add seasonings if desired and mix.

Place the chicken pieces into the bowl.

Cover with a lid and chill the bowl of brine in the refrigerator for 1-8 hours but no longer than 8 hours.

Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and pour out the brine.

Place the chicken onto a paper towel and pat it dry.

Follow the procedure for making the chicken in the rest of the steps.


I learned how to brine from Melisa Clark. I modified her recipe to be more affordable. You can make feta cheese very easy IF you can purchase regular pasteurized milk in your area. Ultra pasteurized will not work. Someday I hope to be able to make my own. If I recall there were few ingredients to make it and not a lot of tools to buy.

Step 3: Oil Season and Cook the Chicken


Oil the skillet.

Oil, season, and cook the chicken in the cast iron skillet or method of your choice.

Step 4: Plate the Arugula or Dark Greens


Plate the arugula on a serving platter and garnish with lemon, lemon zest, feta cheese, and pan drippings.

Step 5: Remove the Chicken From the Burner

Remove the chicken from the burner and place the chicken on the platter . . . drizzle pan drippings over the chicken, lemon juice, and the lemon zest, and sprinkle feta cheese on top.

Step 6: Sunshiine's Final Thoughts

One of my readers suggested I try this recipe with Stilton cheese or Blue cheese; her comment is below.This recipe is one of the top 3 recipes my family and I enjoy a couple of times a month. Pretty amazing when you consider the time involved in making this dish. I hope you give it a try.

I like to thank instructables and contributors for making instructables such a nice community to share. Thanks for stopping by and do have a safe and happy holiday season~


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