Introduction: Hot Chocolate Flambe of Sorts

About: I am married with two children. Spring, summer, and fall are my very favorite times of the year. I enjoy working in the yard, sewing, cooking, quilting, gardening, and creating. I do this to keep my sanity.
I was inspired by the food editor here at Instructables to make flambe. Being short on ingredients I did not know what I could make. I decided to try my hand at a banana flambe but was unsuccessful at achieving the desired results. This is not unusual here at Instructables because much of our inspiration comes because no one has made something that we would like to make. We have to experiment and bloopers happen before we accomplish something amazing to share. I then decided to give a try at making a hot chocolate flambe which is the result of this instructable.

Note: Please be very careful and use caution if you make flambe. Do not use more liqueur than I have recommended. I am not an expert. I have written this Instructable to share. This is what I did and it worked for me. Everyone's environment is different and I can not know how to advice you on how to avoid risk for your particular environment. Consult a professional if you have no experience. You are at your own risk if you try this for your enjoyment.

Step 1: Ingredients

What you need:
  • Milk
  • Instant coco
  • Nestles
  • Vanilla bean
  • Kahlua
  • Whip cream optional
  • 3 Tablespoons 80 Proof alcohol Flavor of your choice
  • Mini paper cupcake liner optional
  • Snack
Please note: I used Vodka for this Instructable because that is all the liquor I had. But if you want flavored coco choose a complementary brand of booze to add to your drink.

Step 2: Supplies

This is what you need (single serving:)
  • Shallow pan
  • Shallow glass custard dish
  • Skewer
  • Flambe Torch or skewer and matches
  • Cup
  • Saucer
  • Spoon I used a long tea spoon
  • Embellish
  • Jute tie
  • Stove top
  • Large pan for coco
  • Fire extinguisher.

Step 3: The Embellishment

Cup Embellishment:
  • I trimmed off a small piece of evergreen
  • Tied it to the cup using jute
  • Set it aside until needed

Step 4: Preparations

It is important to have everything laid out because you need to be quick at everything so the timing is smooth.
  • Pan on stove
  • Liquor in pan
  • Milk
  • Coco
  • Kahlua
  • Cups
  • Nestle's ready
  • Snack in small mini cupcake liner optional
  • Saucer
  • Spoon

Step 5: Making the Coco

  • Pour milk in a pan and heat it on the stove on low heat.
  • While it is warming:
  • Cut a small piece of the vanilla bean set aside.
  • When milk is hot remove it from the pan and:
  • Add coco.
  • Add vanilla bean sliver.
  • Add Kahlua.
  • Add Nestles.
  • Mix well.
  • Pour into embellished cups.

Please note: To be safe do not heat the milk and the alcohol at the same time. You need to have full attention so if things are out of control you will be able to address it. You need to make the coco then pour it into the cups. Then make the flambe as shown next and pour into the custard cups. This is not something to make for a crowd. Keep it to 2-4 people making each flambe separate.

Step 6: Flambe

I recommend anyone who has not done this to watch a few videos several times before attempting this.
Where is your fire extinguisher?

  • Flambe 1 serving at a time.
  • Heat the alcohol just until it barely steams around the edge.
  • Turn off the heat.
  • Light the alcohol.
  • It will flame up quiet big and then flame down
  • The flame will display a beautiful array of color.
  • It will burn down and then go out.
  • When the flame is distinguished:
  • Remove from the stove.
  • Then pour it into the small custard dish.
  • The guest will pour it into the coco and stir.

  • I know this is not the real deal but it does set the tone.
  • Here is a good video that shows the process of flambe.
  • I recommend that you watch this video and several others to get the hang of it.
  • Experiment with Vodka so you don't spend a lot on the good stuff.
  • I read where too high of a percentage is dangerous.
  • I read where too low of a percentage is dangerous in that it will explode.
  • I do not know.
  • I still do not know how to perform it the way I would like.
  • From 3 Tablespoons of alcohol I had 1 Tablespoon left over after the alcohol burned off.
  • The Vodka is not a good choice for flavor so we did not use it in the coco.
  • This is just an instructable on how to flambe basically.
  • I am crediting dailymotion site and the maker of the video owner ( I assume) Yummly . .

Please note: Years ago I was making soap in my kitchen. The oil caught on fire and we had a big fire in my kitchen. The fire department was called and an insurance claim was made. My point is: do the research and be safe. Fires are not fun. Understand the principle of how to do this before trying it in your kitchen.

Step 7: Serve

My brother would not let me take his picture but he really enjoyed the display! I am the back seat driver! Still am!

I am trying to figure out how to perform a flambe in a coffee cup. When I have it mastered, I will add it to this Instructable.

Step 8: Sunshiine's Final Thoughts

My twin brother stopped by tonight and I made this for him. He enjoyed the flambe so much he left a little something for me. He knows I love the color purple and it matched my Instructables t- shirt wonderfully! I enjoy going the extra mile for my family, friends, and guest. I want to create lasting memories for them so they keep coming back.

I came across this video that shows a simple way to make another type of flambe and the risks are much smaller.
I am crediting Chow Tip: .

Thank you for stopping by and do have a warm and relaxing night.
Make It Glow Challenge

Participated in the
Make It Glow Challenge