Introduction: How to Sharpen a Knife on a Whetstone

About: I'm 13 years old, my interests include paracord, guitar, and Legos.

I found this field and stream trick helpful to put an edge on anything. Try it out!

Step 1: You Will Need

A whetstone

A dull knife

Two coins

Step 2:

You'll notice two sides on your whetstone.
One fine, one coarse.
Start with the coarse side.

Step 3:

Rest the knife on the coins like this. This is the angle that you will sharpen.

Step 4:

This is essential, because it can ruin the whetstone if you don't.
Keep the same angle that you had.

Step 5:

Slide the knife down the stone.
When you have done this about five minutes on a good blade, switch sides on the knife.
After five minutes on that side, switch the stone around and repeat.