Introduction: How to Make Simple Leather Print.


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I want to show you, how I make a simple and cheap print for leather. This is very easy and cheap method. With this method you can make some difficult image prints on the leather and others materials. To make your print you need about 10 minutes. Image, that you want to print should be mirrared.

Step 1: What We Need to Create Our Leather Print.

We need:

  1. Leather

  2. Laser printer

  3. Image what we need to print.(It will be printed image with laser printer)

  4. Acetone

  5. Wadding


Step 2: Lets Start to Create Our Print.

We put our printed image with front side
to our piece of leather. Then we wet our wadding and image. The image should not move, when we wet it. Because, if it moves we will made bad print.

Step 3: Finish Our Print.

Finally, you are in last step!We need carefully
take off our image from our piece of leather. And now, we see finished print. With this method you can made simple and cool leather accessories, with great unique design.If you have any questions please ask!

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