Introduction: Liquid Notebook

What better to start off the new school year than with this fun and unique notebook! It's like having a lava lamp in a notebook.

Step 1: Materials

You will need:

  • A notebook (cardboard works really well)
  • Cardstock
  • A Food Saver machine and bags
  • Hot glue gun
  • Craft knife
  • Ruler
  • Cutting mat
  • Baby oil
  • Food colouring
  • Water

Step 2: Cutting the Notebook

Using a ruler draw a rectangle 1" from the edges of your book. Put your cutting mat between the cover of your notebook and the first page. Use a sharp craft knife and a ruler to cut out the rectangle.

Step 3: The Bag

I tried many different methods and materials for this step, but the only one that worked was the Food Saver.

Cut your Food Saver plastic to size. You need to leave enough room on all sides so that you can glue it to the notebook. Use the Food Saver machine seal three of the four edges.

Step 4: Filling the Bag

Create a water to baby oil mixture of 1 part water to 2 parts baby oil. Add food colouring.

Seal the bag shut using the Food Saver.

Step 5: Put It Together

Glue the bag to the notebook with a hot glue gun and press down the edges.

Step 6: Finishing Touches

Use a piece of white or coloured cardstock, cut it to fit over the back side of the bag and glue it in place using a hot glue gun.

Step 7: Finished

Now you have the coolest notebook just in time to go back to school!

Cardboard Contest 2016

Participated in the
Cardboard Contest 2016

Summer Fun Contest 2016

Participated in the
Summer Fun Contest 2016

Makerspace Contest

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest