Introduction: Personalized Book and Puppet: "The-Man-Who-Talks-Too-Much"

About: Grandma Van uses the Instructables website to share little print-and-mail books. Once in a while, she has other fun things to share.

Here is a quick and easy project that can be personalized.

All you need is:
A printer

A black pen or marker



(optional) Colored markers or colored pencils

(optional) Wooden tongue depressor

Step 1: Print the Book Page and Personalize It.

Print the attached PDF. With a black pen or marker, add a child's name in each of the spots shown in the illustration. (I used RED in the illustration so that it is easier for you to see where to insert the names. I do NOT recommend making the names stand out like this in a "real" book. It is too distracting!)

Step 2: Fold and Cut the Page, Using the Standard "zine" Method.

If you do not know how to fold a 'zine, look at one of my other Instructables and follow the directions there!

Step 3: Print the Puppet Page.

Color if desired.

NOTE: I have added patterns for original puppets, too!

Step 4: Use an Exacto Knife to Cut Out the Mouth.

Step 5: Cut Out the Two Pieces.

Step 6: Fold the Flaps to the Back of the Puppet.

NOTE: In the illustration, the two back flaps are narrower than the puppet body. I have redesigned this so that the flaps are just slightly narrower, so that the stick does not get caught on an edge. I did not re-shoot the picture!

Step 7: Tape the Flaps Down.

Step 8: Attach the Mouth Piece to a Tongue Depressor.

A tongue depressor is optional, but recommended.

If you don't have one, a piece of cardboard will do.

I used double-stick tape because I keep it on hand. But you can use any type of glue or even wide tape.

Step 9: Insert the Stick Into the Opening.

Step 10: Move the Stick to Make Your Puppet Talk!

Step 11: Give the Book and Puppet to Someone!

This is a fun project for a grandparent to mail to a grand child.

The original "Man-Who-Talks-Too-Much" is a popular character from the Facetime stories I enjoy with my grandchildren. He is a very old German animated wooden puppet. (Originally a bottle stopper, but the cork disappeared YEARS ago.)

If you like this project, PLEASE add a comment.

This type of project never gets much attention here on the Instructables website, and I understand that. (I am still grateful for a site that lets me publish PDFs.) would be nice to get a little bit of encouragement....