Introduction: Repair an Exposed Wire With Sugru

About: Former Instructables employee CHECK OUT MY WORK

The black casing on laptop charger cord broke and I could see the inside wires. When this happened to my last charger it broke soon after. Sugru is a great way to cover up these wires and keep my charger safe and working!

Step 1: Exposed Wires

I am constantly bending and wrapping the cord and throwing it in my backpack.  It if only a matter of time before the white and green wires broke as well.

Step 2: Add Sugru

This step is simple.  Just open up the Sugru and spread it out over the exposed area.  Make sure it covers the entire exposed area!  Let it sit for 24 hours (make sure you don't bend it).

Step 3: All FIXED!!

Sugru Contest

Participated in the
Sugru Contest